For sale by owners - We list your home in your local MLS for one low fee. Save $$$! | |||
Today's Date is October 09 2024 - Wednesday | has partnered
with REALTY UNIVERSAL, Inc. to provide the most inclusive National MLS listing
service available. We now service all 50 states! When you sign up for the For
Sale By Owner program through your property is listed in your
local MLS as well as 5-7
real estate internet sites until it sells! Once it sells you owe our company
zero commission! Your only investment is the one-time fee of $375 - $500 to join the
program. MLS benefits >>Are you wondering what benefits you gain by having your home listed in the MLS? By far the #1 reason is exposure to real estate professionals. Statistics show that an overwhelming majority of home buyers contract with a real estate professional when buying a home. These buyers are relying exclusively on their agent to find them a home and that agent is relying exclusively on the MLS for their search. Without being listed in the MLS the agent would not know anything about your home or even that it is on the market. In the past anyone who had the time and knowledge to sell their home on their own were not privy to the great exposure of the MLS. This has since changed! Our For Sale By Owner program gives you the best of both worlds by giving you the coveted MLS listing, free online advice and support, downloadable brochures, and a host of other great benefits.
For sale by owner testimonials >>"I have used their service multiple times and literally saved tens of thousands of dollars! Their FSBO program is by far the easiest, most cost-effective way to sell your home or investment property. The people at Realty Universal are friendly, helpful and work very efficiently. Think you have to do a lot of work? The only way this wouldn't have been worth my time is if I got paid over $1,000/hour at my job. Of course everyone's experience will be different, but you'll definitely save a bundle using their services. Thanks!!" Being a licensed real estate agent myself, even though I am in the timeshare sales business with Hilton, I found the For Sale By Owner program very useful and cost-efficient when I sold my townhouse a few months ago. Their expertise in handling the paperwork that is necessary in the sales process was smooth & efficient. Their FSBO program was all I needed to get the job done. Jonathan O'Neill Director of Sales